The opening

The Vienna Gambit is an aggressive chess opening that arises after the moves
1.e4 e5
2.Nc3 Nf6
It is a sharp and tactical opening that aims to seize control of the center and create imbalances on the board early in the game.
The main idea behind the Vienna Gambit is for White to sacrifice a pawn in order to gain rapid development, open lines for their pieces, and launch an attack against Black's king.

If they accept it (it's good for white)

If you decline the Gambit don't do it with the knight to C6, use pawn to d6 instead like this:

The Main Line (in my opinion)

idea's for white after this postion if black doesn't check with tthe queen.

A common agressive but risky follow up for black could be Queen h4 check, followed by white's pawn to g3, and then black's queen e4 check,

This is what often happens after black attacks agresively with the queen.

An interesting variation if they don't trade queens which ends in checkmate for white.