The opening

The first moves of any lines are these:

  1. e4 c5
  2. Nf3 d6

The Classical

The najdorf

The dragon

The schevenigan

The krupelchik

The Morra Gambit

White opens the d5 pawn right away giving black the chance to capture for free. When black does, then white will push the c3 pawn and when black captures then white recaptures with the knight.

It's not that great for white to just capture the d4 pawn with queen because black devolps the knight and chases the queen.

Ideas for white

After whites pawn move 7. e5 then black is in a bad spot and may have to queen trade.

What white wants version 1

Blacks knight takes e5.

What white wants version 2

Blacks pawn takes e5.

What white wants version 3

Black's pawn takes e5 pawn then captures the queen with the knight. Ends in checkmate.

Ideas for Black v1

If white plays pawn e5 early. At the end black is happy to keep trading.

Ideas for Black v2

First Main line: Bf4 then black d6 is really important. The last two moves for black are just to show what black will want to do next.

Ideas for Black v3

Second Main line: h3 instead of Bf4. Ends with the idea for black's moves.

Ideas for Black v4

Another option that white moves queen e2 early. Ends in winning position for black.

More to come soon